Climate Change Curriculum Development in Some West African Higher Educational Institutions: A Call For Action

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Soulé Moussa, Hamidou Taffa Abdoul-Azize


West Africa is one of the most vulnerable regions to climate change. Hence, the education institutions should update their education curriculum to form professionals able to handle the challenges posed by climate change in the region. This study examines the climate change curriculum development in West Africa higher education institutions. Primary data were collected from an online survey from the students and employees who achieved their education curriculum in various fields related to climate change and correlations analysis was conducted. Thestudy findings showed that there existed significant correlations between the native countries of the graduates/students and the host higher education institutions (P = 0.001), performing practical internships and host universities (P=0.001),the mastery of statistical and econometric tools and host universities (P=0.018). In addition, the study findings showed that there were significant correlations between the number of articles published by the trainee and the host universities (P= 0.001), but there was no significant relationship between the current work of the trainee and the climate change field (P= 0.116).Consequently, West African higher education should consider climate change as a key element in the development of the curriculum of their Institutions in the future. This could enhance the efforts of the region in responding to the adverse impacts of climate change.

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