The Effect Of Ramadan Fasting On Glucose And Insulin Homeostasis And Some Biochemical Parameters In Healthy Iraqi Students Of Fallujah Medicine, A Pilot Study

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Jamal ALMADHIDI, Abdullah Ali Mohammed, Ameel F. Al shawi


Ramadan is one of the Islamic calendar months, during which Muslims fast. The fasting period, during day hours in Iraq in this year (mid-April to mid-May 2021, Ramadan A.H. 1442) was about 16 hours. The effect of ramadan fasting on insulin and sugar homeostasis (by Homeostasis Model Assessment (HOMA) and some biochemical parameters in healthy Iraqi subjects has not been evaluated. The aim of our research is to find out the fasting effect on plasma sugar and insulin, HOMA indices, some non-protein nitrogen compounds and some minerals among young students adults. The blood samples were taken in the middle of ramadan and about half an hour before breakfast from 25 apparently healthy, Iraqi male, lean students in the faculty of Fallujah medicine, aged of 20-21 years. Fasting sugars, fasting insulin, creatinine, urea, uric acid, Na, K, Ca , & PO4 were evaluated.  HOMA indices and body mass index (BMI) were measured. The fasting of ramadan did not affect the normal values of HOMA indices and some biochemical parameters in the plasma of healthy male students, whose their BMI was within the normal weight. There was a negative correlation between serum levels of fasting insulin with fasting sugar. Our results show no effect of ramadan fasting on HOMA indices, plasma insulin and glucose, creatinine, urea, uric acid, Na, K , Ca , & PO4 in plasma of healthy Iraqi male students of normal weight.

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