Implant Brands Used For Trauma Management In Oral And Maxillofacial Surgery: An Institutional Study

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Allour Vaishnavi, Dr.M.P.Santhosh kumar



Reconstructing maxillofacial defects is quite challenging for most surgeons due to the region’s complex anatomy and cosmetic and functional effects on patients. The use of pre-made alloplastic implants and autogenous grafts is often associated with resorption, infection, and displacement. Recent technological advances have led to the use of custom computer-designed patient-specific implants (PSIs) in reconstructive surgery. The aim of the study was to evaluate the implant brands which are commonly used for trauma management in oral and maxillofacial surgery in our institution.


Materials and Methods:

A cross sectional study was conducted among the outpatient population in Saveetha Dental College, Chennai between August, 2020 and january, 2021. The implant brands used for patients for trauma management in oral and maxillofacial surgery reporting to the clinic. The data was collected using DIAS software and put into an excel sheet and the analysis of the data was made using SPSS software with a chi-square test for association.



The results showed that most of the males underwent the treatment for trauma management and also used implants to reconstruct it.Among that 60.31% were synthes branded implants, 14.95% of them used stryker brand  and 24.74% used stainless steel implant branded material.The most commonly used implant brand was Synthes which is made with titanium .The implants were most commonly done in the patients with the age group of 51-60 years.



Our study revealed that the most commonly used implant brand was Synthes which is made of titanium. In gender comparison, males had used the Implants for trauma management proportionately higher than females.


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