Preference Of Online Versus Offline Education Among Adolescents In Chennai - A Cross Sectional Survey

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Jayavarsha.v, Dr. Reshma Poothakulath Krishnan, Dr. Sandhya Sundar


Background:  Educational system is affected because of COVID-19 . Online classes were conducted by the management for the welfare of the students. Online classes are conducted over the internet and it is very convenient during lockdown. But technological challenges can make the students think back towards their blackboard class setup. Aim: To assess the perception and reception of online and offline education among adolescents in the Chennai population. Methods: A cross sectional survey was conducted among adolescent students of schools and colleges. A standardized questionnaire was prepared and circulated through an online platform  (google forms) among adolescents in chennai. The responses recorded were tabulated and analyzed using SPSS software version 23. Result: Total no of participants were 101. 63% were male and 38% were female.38.51% of the male participants and 13.86% of female participants preferred online class for better understanding of their subjects(chi square value, p value =0.015). 40.59% of  male participants and 24.75% of female participants said that during online classes they cannot sit satisfactorily for the duration of the class  (chi square value, p value = 0.942). 30.69% of the male participants and 24.75% of the female participants  preferred offline class for gaining more knowledge  (chi square value, p value= 0.942) Conclusion Student’s perception of online learning is relatively good with several obstacles but it needs some improvement. Students are willing to continue online learning because it is very convenient which can be done anywhere and at any place.

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