Problems Encountered By Dental Students In Understanding Oral Histology And Dental Anatomy - A Survey

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Chevuru Sai Shreya Reddy, Dr Reshma Poothakulath Krishnan , Dr. Sandhya Sundar


 Background:  Dentistry is a innovative branch of medicine that consists of the study, diagnosis, prevention and treatment of diseases, disorders of the oral cavity and maxillofacial region. Though the knowledge of anatomy and histology are essential for dental practice, dental students perceive oral histology as less significant for their career and more challenging to learn . At a depth of learning of oral histology supports a better understanding and helps in diagnosing and treating cases

Aim: To evaluate and analyse the problems encountered by dental students in understanding oral histology and dental anatomy.

Methods: Cross sectional study was conducted among dental students in a private institution in Chennai. Online platform (Google forms) was used to distribute the questionnaires. Data analysis was performed with SPSS software using chi square and crosstabs.

Results: In this study, dental students are aware of both the subjects but then 74% of the students understand while 26% of the students do not understand oral histology. 74.3% of the students are interested while 25.7% are not interested in learning oral histology. 75.2% are attentive while 24.8% are not attentive when oral histology class is going on. 83.8% are satisfied by the teaching skills while 16.2% are not satisfied with the teaching skills of the staff. 30.2% found it easy, 57.5% found it manageable and 7.5% found dental anatomy hard. 75.5% are interested while 24.5% of the students are not interested in dental anatomy.bChi-square was made and p value <0.05 was considered statistically significant.

Conclusion: Students have encountered problems in facing oral histology and dental anatomy. If proper measures and change in the curriculum takes place there is a possibility of inculcating interest in the subjects and making the students understand and learn in a better way.

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