Comparative Effect Of Fresh Palm Oil And Thermally Oxidized Palm Oil On Cardiovascular Risks

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Oyama SE , Seriki SA , M fem CC


Background: Palm oil is generally part of human delicacies world over; either in fresh form or thermo-oxidized. This, however, is not without consequences. The current study investigates cardiovascular risks associated with consumption of fresh palm oil compared to consumption ofthermally oxidized palm oil. Method: Twenty-one (21) albino wistar rats weighing 180-250g were randomly grouped into three, with each group having seven (7) rats each (n= 7). Group 1 (control - received normal rat feed and clean water only), Group 2 (receivedfresh palm oil, and Group 3 (receivedthermally oxidized palm oil. At the end of the feeding duration, the animals were sacrificed under ketamine anesthesia (intramuscular dose of 0.1ml/100mg) and blood extracted from them by cardiac puncture for biochemical analysis. Results: The result of the study revealed that there was a significant decrease (P < 0.05) in the Triglyceride (TG), Very Low Density Lypoprotein (VLDL) and High Density Lipoprotein (HDL) concentrationsin the group treated with thermally oxidized palm oil when compared with the control group and the group treated withfresh palm oil. On the other hand, there was a significant increase (P < 0.05) in the concentration of total cholesterol (TC) and Low Density Lipoprotein (LDL). Conclusion: Consumption of thermally oxidized palm oil diets has deleterious effects on lipid profile. Therefore, cooking with and/or consumption of palm oil subjected to heat treatment for several long periods of time should be discouraged in homes as this might have deleterious effects on cardiovascular health. Also, repeatedly heated palm oil appears to increase lipid peroxidation exposing the body to free radicals. This may be because the repeated heating may have destroyed its vitamin E constituents which include α-tocopherol (21%), α-tocotrienol (26%), γ-tocotrienol (40%) and δ-tocotrienol (13%) which act as biological antioxidants and also check oxidative stress and atherosclerosis.

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