Case Report on Middle Cerebral Artery Aneurysm with Subarachnoid Hemorrhage with Hypertension

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Miss. Mayuri Sureshrao Ambadkar, Mrs. Indu Alwadkar , Aniket Pathade, J. M. Kumbhare,


Introduction: Aneurysms of the middle cerebral artery (MCA) account for around 20%–30% of all ruptured cerebral aneurysms. Because of the complicated MCA bifurcation or trifurcation morphology, the common occurrence of a wide neck, and the high prevalence of concomitant intraparenchymal bleeding, these lesions represent distinct therapeutic problems (IPH). SAH is a type of brain attack cause by hemorrhage in the surrounding  space, which is  space in which the brain  layer and the inner layer of brain that occurs the structure of cranial. 1st a strong pain in head with a quick period, Nausea  , a lowered level of awareness, pyrexia, and occasionally paralysis are all possible symptoms convulsions . Neck stiffness and soreness are also rather prevalent. A minor bleed with resolving symptoms happens in around a quarter of persons within a month following a bigger bleed.

Clinical Finding: Severe headaches, vomiting, loss of consciousness, fever, and seizures are Stiffness in the neck all possible symptoms. A minor bleed with a quick resolution affects around a quarter of the population.

Diagnostic Evaluation: TLC:-16, 200, PLT:-15, 000, MCV:-67.0, SR. BILIRUBIN:-0.7, HB-.12.2, Total WBC count -15580, TLC:-16, 200, PLT:-15, 000, MCV:-67.0, SR. BILIRUBIN:-0.7 Renal function test, Liver function test

Therapeutic Intervention: Inj Mannitol 100ml STAT, Inj. Levipril 1gm STAT, Inj Pcm 100ml STAT, Inj Pan 40mg STAT, Tab Amlodepine 5mg STAT, Inj. Labetatol 100mg, Inj Ceftriaxone 2gm BD, Inj Emset 4mg SOS

Outcome:  Medication for nausea, stiffness, and severe headache has begun. The patient's condition is now stable and being monitored. Due to a fever, the temperature of the patient should be checked every four hours. IV fluid has begun.

Conclusion:  The patient has been admitted to AVBRH's Interventional Radiology department, where she will receive continued medical and nursing treatment, and her condition is stable and being monitored.

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