Effect of Education Costs , Carrer Motivation, Family Environment on Students Interest : A Case Study of Radiological Engineering Diploma Students in Indonesia

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Jeffri Ardiyanto


Radiology experiences a lot of continuous development, but there are still a few students who are interested in continuing to Radiology Education. The research aims to examine the effect of career motivation, economic motivation, family environment, and perceptions of educational costs on student interest in radiology following Radiology Education. The research was conducted at the Polytechnic of the Ministry of Health Semarang. The samples were 18 radiology students of the 2019 Radiology program with simple random sampling. Data were collected by means of a questionnaire and analyzed by multiple linear regression analysis. Based on the analysis, it is known that motivation career, economic motivation, family environment, and perceptions of education costs have a positive effect on students' interest in joining Radiology Education. Career motivation has a positive effect on the interest of students majoring in radiology to take Radiology Education. This shows that the higher the motivation to improve personal abilities in order to achieve a better position, position, or career, the higher the interest in joining Radiology. Economic motivation has a positive effect on the interest of radiology students to attend Radiology Education. This shows that the higher the desire of radiology students in an effort to increase the financial ability to be achieved causes the higher interest in joining Radiology.


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