Study Of Antagonism Of Endophytic Bacterial Isolates Against Fusarium Sporotrichioides
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Field isolates of micromycetes of the genus Fusarium are widespread in natural biotopes and can synthesise metabolites that are toxic
to animals and humans, the most aggressive of which are trichothecene mycotoxins. The Fusarium sporotrichioides micromycete is the most pathogenic for cereals and vegetable crops, leading to yield loss and soil contamination. The metabolites T-2 toxin and
zearalenone it produces have high carcinogenic and general toxic effects. For that reason it is necessary to carry out mycological
monitoring of cereal crops, products of their processing, crop products in order to prevent the spread in nature of fungus F.
sporotrichioides, contamination by it and its metabolites of feed raw materials, toxicosis in animals, and humans, having a devastating
effect on the body, causing violations of immune, reproductive and other systems, low productivity, increased mortality in young
animals, predisposition to infectious diseases. In addition, an urgent issue today is the development of alternatives to chemical means
of biological plant and feed protection against pathogenic musty microorganisms. In this work, we isolated the microscopic mold fungus F. sporotrichioides from wheat grain, formed a collection of isolates of endophytic microorganisms, and studied their antagonistic activity. Some of the isolates showed a fungistatic antibiotic type of antagonism, they inhibited the growth of the mycelial fungus at a distance under the influence of the produced antibiotic substances, with the formation of a "sterile" zone between the cultures. Some endophytic isolates were characterized by fungistatic alimentary antagonism, which is expressed in stopping the growth of the fungus upon contact with the colony of the antagonist. It was found that the isolates produced metabolites to varying degrees that have a fungistatic effect. According to the results of experiments in vitro and in vivo, the most technologically advanced and safe isolates were selected, promising for the control of phytopathogenic microscopic fungi F. sporotrichioides. The combination of tinctorial and morphological features, results genetic confirmation by amplification of the sod - superoxide dismutase gene made it possible to assign endophytic microorganisms to the species Bacillus subtilis.
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