The Effectiveness Combination Of Abdominal Stretching Exercise On The Menstrual Cramps Intensity On Adolescent

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The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of the combination of abdominal stretching exercises to
reduce the intensity of menstrual cramps in adolescents in Palembang high school in 2020. This research using preexperimental quantitative research methods with the research design of the one group pretest-posttest design. In this
research design there is no control group or randomization. The research sample was 58 respondents. The results of the
Wilcoxon test show that there is a significant difference between the dysmenorrhea pain of students before being given the
Combination Abdominal Stretching Exercise treatment compared to after being given exercise treatment (p value= 0.00).
Suggestions for further research related to the effectiveness of dysmenorrhea exercise by repeating treatments and
increasing the frequency of treatment at the time before menstruation and menstrual period.

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