Multivariate Region Classification In Russia By Average Life Expectancy In The Context Of Sustainable Development

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Natalia Sadovnikovа, Aleksandr Bezrukov, Leysan Davletshina, Igbal Guliev


The article presents the results of multivariate classification of average life expectancy of the population. Clustering was
performed using the authors’ approach to the selection of indicators, which defines the scientific relevance in the
evaluation of regional differentiation by the provided indicator and the connected characteristics. The performed
analysis was aimed at revealing the regions under the conditions of significant territorial differentiation of Russian
regions by living standards and socioeconomic development that are characterized by significant lagging behind on a
regular basis, or suffering a sharp decline in sociodemographic situation, with the purposes of accentuating the
measures necessary to be taken to resolve the looming problems not only on the regional but also on the federal level.
The significance of the study is defined by the importance of achieving both strategic and global goals of Russia, which
appears impossible without the relevant and timely information allowing to accurately define the needs in additional
subsidies for regions, bonuses and other assistance.

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