Solid Waste Disposal Sites Detrimental To Groundwater Using Geoinformatics

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MR Jyothi, Dr. HU Raghavendra, Dr. Siddegowda


Illegal dumping is one of the major environmental problems of major cities. Household and other waste disposal in and around city streets has many negative health, economic, and environmental consequences. Illegal dump sites were identified, quantified, characterised, and mapped through urban census block groups with varying median family income levels. To check the detrimental of the extent of pollution derived from waste disposal sites, groundwater testing was taken in the pre-monsoon season. The samples collected from different zones of the dumping site on the availability of waste disposal in and around study area of Hebbal, Bangalore city. Tests on representative samples from groundwater were analysed for a number of different water quality parameters, such as pH, turbidity, total hardness, major cations (Ca, Mg, Na, K) and major anions (HCO3, SO4, Cl, NO3, F). Concentrated ions distributions are represented through contours using GIS for easy and better understanding of the groundwater pollution. Analysis of the samples are carried out for assessing the impact of solid waste on groundwater characteristics and check is it within the permissible limits following the guidelines of Standard for drinking water, if not proper segregation of solid waste need to be done at the source, minimizing the generation of waste, improving the methods of handling it, converting the generated waste into usable source etc.

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