Animated Video Media as an Alternative for Oral Health Telepromotion on Elementary School Students
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Oral health problems in children aged 5-9 years in Indonesia are high, it’s about 28.9% (Riskesdas, 2018). One of the prevention efforts is the oral health promotion. During the Covid-19 Pandemic, oral health promotion was still carried out by implementing health protocols, avoiding direct contact, and using online communication media. The purpose of this study was to determine the impact of dental health telepromotion with animated video media on the knowledge and skills of teethbrushing among elementary school children.
The method used in this research is Research and Development, with the intention of developing animated videos for learning media. The population in this study were children of elementary school age in RT 05 RW 06 Padangsari Banyumanik Semarang totaling 30 children.
The results of this study indicate that the level of knowledge of respondents before treatment is mostly in the poor category (57%), and after treatment, all respondents (100%) have a good level of knowledge. Before the skill treatment, most of the respondents (63%), included in the category of less skilled, but after the treatment, all respondents (100%) became skilled. There is a difference in knowledge about teethbrushing before and after giving animated videos, with pValue = 0.000, with an increase in the number of respondents who have good knowledge by 57%. There is a difference in teethbrushing skills before and after giving the animated video, with pValue = 0.000, with an increase in the number of skilled respondents as much as 63%.
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