Influence Of Character Education On Student Tolerance In Private Colleges

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Endin Mujahidin, Didin Hafidhuddin, Fitrah, Rudi Hartono


The purpose of this study was to look at and explore the influence of character education which includes cultural background, values embraced against student tolerance in private universities, the method used in this study is quantitative with the number of respondents 257 conducted at events at several private colleges bogor district, with the result of spearman brown correlation = 0,691, And based on the split-half realiblity test, the guttman split-half coefficient correlation value is 0.670 and on the variable axis of religious tolerance (Y) it is shown that the spearman-brown coeficient value is in valid data of 0.79 and is also indicated by Guttman Split-Half Coefficient 0.722.

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