Comparative Analysis Of Oral Health Status Between Breeds Of Dogs (Canine)And Cats (Feline) In Chennai City, Tamilnadu, India- A Cross-Sectional Studyon Veterinary Dentistry

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Mansi Chaubey, PrabuD, Suganya.P, BharathwajVV, SindhuR, Dinesh Dhamoodhar, ShreelakshmiS, RajmohanM, PrashanthyMR


Background: Oral health is more important to maintain general well-being not only for the people but also for the domestic animals. There exists a myth that the oral health of domestic animals is not as important as their physical health. The negligence of oral health might cause many systemic diseases in animals.

Aim: The aim of this study is to analyze the oral health status of canines (dogs) and felines(cats) in Chennai city, Tamilnadu, India.

Materials and method: An observational cross-sectional study was conducted among 49 canines (dogs) and 51felines(cats) in various veterinary hospitals of Chennai city based on the simple random sampling method. Their oral health status was assessed by direct visual examination using Modified Triadan System and a 7-item questionnaire regarding demographic data, systemic diseases and tooth brushing. The data were tabulated and analyzed using descriptive statistics and chi-square test. P-value < 0.05 was considered to be statistically significant.

Results:The oral health status of feline (cats) was found to be good when compared to dogs. There was a statistically significant association found in gingivitis (P=0.01) and malocclusion (P = 0.04) among dogs and cats.

Conclusion: The disregard towards the oral hygiene of domestic animals must come to an end. Their lives must be given the same value as those of the homo-sapiens.

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