A Study on Consumer Attitude towards Online Purchase of Goods and services in Coimbatore city

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Dr.M. Pushpalatha, Dhilipan Gruz.W, Sudalai Mani.G, Muthuram.M, Shabna.B


The Technology revolution has brought about an exemplar shift in this way things are done. The Technology have radically changed the method shoppers seek and use information. The Internet was earlier hypothesized as an instrument for enhancing information, has become a vital part of business in this digital era. For trades the key to being in the upcoming depends on how well they can participate this medium in their business model for these days. In order to sell anything online, the Producers and Sellers have to take into account the uniqueness of their customers and their spending habits and the Goods and the services they prefer. In this study state that problems of the Modern world huge developments are extensive in the information and technical industry. Competition growths day by day due to increase in the attention of consumers towards online Purchase. The best trader is based on their experiences on website. Online Purchase mainly based on individual thinking process and his perceptions. Consumer behavior is very dissimilar to understand both in online Purchasing and in traditional purchasing. Its include social, cultural, personal and psychological factors but traditional 

Purchase is highly influenced by these factors as associated to online Purchase. Due to that fact online consumers are confining with social and cultural environment and psychological factors. But, most of the online sellers don’t know about social and cultural norms about the targeted customers. It’s becoming gradually imperative for retailers to provide strong online Purchase experiences.

Therefore, it is pertinent to identify the suitable ways to promote sales in this competitive era with the intention of fulfilling high level expectations of consumers.

The objectives of this Paper are to know the factors that are influencing the behavior of the customers who purchase goods and services through the source of online mode.                        

 There is no restriction on geographical location of study, the study is conducted for those who have utilized the online mode for attaining goods

and service. The tools used for the study are 

Simple percentage and rank analysis. It is analyzed that education level, occupation, annual income, time spent on internet access of the customers have been  influenced over the frequency of the purchase of products and service through online. The online firms must provide variety of products based on the customers purchasing power and educate the customer such that they can identify the goods and services which they afford for their derived needs and to examine the problems faced by the consumers towards online shopping.

To conclude the study Recently consumers are expecting variety of products with innovative features. As they are dispersed, it is very difficult to reach them by the traditional mechanisms. Online Purchase is the benefit for the modern consumers. Electronic data interchange, e-mail and ecommerce applications brought essential changes in the entire setup of marketing the products. Technical innovations and the availability of widespread of products are the major advantages of online Purchase. Currently, people are more computer savvy and they are more aware of products which emerged as

‘brands’. This paper study though they varied in their perception due to the influence of social and demographic features, lot of factors were identified in order to understand their likes and dislikes. Their attitudes have to be rightly understood by examining the problems faced by them in online Purchase. User friendliness, reliability, promptness, convenience, quality, availability, suggestibility and proximity were the synchronized factors influencing consumers to do online Purchasing

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