Design and Implementation of an Automated Aquaponics System using Internet of Things

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K. Raghava Rao, Sk. Hasane Ahammad, V. Rajesh, M. Sree Chandana, P. Sai Tejaswi, P. Swarna Lakshmi, B. Phani Priya


Agriculture is one of India's most vital industries. Everyone's basic need is food. Traditional farming, on the other hand, has the disadvantage of being reliant on soil quality, climate, chemical fertilizers, pesticides, and water. There is a technique called Aquaponics, combination of aquaculture and hydroponics. It might be utilized to solve the issues of traditional farming. Aquaculture is concerned with the expansion of fish, while hydroponics is concerned because of the rise in soilless plants by giving necessary nutrients. Aquaponics technology that will supply the country with natural food. Because this method reuses water, it takes up less space and provides natural food to the user. We're using an Arduino to control fish feeder that runs on its own with a servo motor and a timer. It'll provide food for the fish every 12 hours. Because we're using a real-time clock, we can schedule it whenever we choose. Aquaponics can be managed and controlled automatically by making use of the Internet of Things and sensors such as pH, temperature, and humidity, water flow, water temperature. Operating sensors on microcontrollers such as NodeMCU and Arduino UNO, the results of which is readily available via the Bevywise application for monitoring purposes. This method may be used to create both an indoor and outdoor system.

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