Impact Of Industry 4.0 On Digital Marketing For Higher Education
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Aim: This paper investigates the importance of Industry 4.0 and its impact on Digital Marketing for Higher Education. The general perceptions of Industry 4.0 (I4.0) as is just applicable to the manufacturing or production-related processes are yet to be comprehended and widened its scope. The researchers in this paper aim to explore how well the loop of ‘Physical-Digital-Physical (PDP) can well be integrated and adopted by the Higher Educational Institutions (HEI) in their marketing practices and strategies from the perspectives of the academic administrators and the faculty members. To achieve this objective, the researchers have conducted Longitudinal Studies (Omnibus Panel) for determining the correlations between those samples and variables of the digital marketing practices in the light of I 4.0 prevalent in those selected higher educational institutions.
Design: The primary data were collected by conducting an online survey, circulating a structured questionnaire of 28 questions set on the Likert Scale by way of Google form among the participants. A total of three hundred and forty (340) responses were received out of the total three hundred and sixty-five (365) forms circulated from 34 higher educational institutions including a few higher secondary schools, a few colleges and a few universities. The researchers, in this paper, have applied the descriptive research method leading to empirical research outcomes. The questions were designed in such a way that the current trend of Industry 4.0 is known to the participants and the need in implementing the I4.0 in the service sectors like marketing for education. Instead of using Cross-Sectional Studies, the researchers employed Longitudinal studies (Omnibus Panel - as, though the same number of participants were approached to carry out the survey, they all were having different experiences and perceptions towards educational marketing under I4.0). Secondary data were collected by reviewing an adequate number of related literature on a similar topic, analyzed, evaluated, and the results were reported by way of interpretation.
Outcome: The outcome of the Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) shows that the consistency, reliability, and validity of the Likert scale used for getting the feedback on 28 pre-designed core questions from all the respondents to reconfirm the applicability of the model already used and specified by Nanjudeswaraswami, T.S (2021) in their research. Subsequent Percentage Analysis and Trend Analysis on various measures of data was carried out to assess the efficacy of the responses across the respondents for the variables in substantiating the analysis of the data and interpretation of the results. The use of artificial intelligence (AI), augmented reality (AR) where the integration of Cyber-Physical-Systems (CPS) are implied for digital marketing of educational services; where Total Quality Management (TQM) in the process is paramount important. The outcome of the research indicates that to survive and moving ahead in the market, digitization is of utmost importance where quality expects to meet the expectations of prompt delivery of educational services in the gamut of industry 4.0 imbibing the changes voluntarily.
Constraints of the Investigation: The samples were drawn from 340 employees and professionals ranging from teaching to academic administration; who either know about Industry 4.0 (I4.0) or work by utilizing digital marketing practices for their respective institutions. Though the samples were drawn from 34 higher educational institutions (in the city of Bangalore, India) including higher secondary schools, Colleges, and Universities, the limitation is the number which seems to be very less to make it as a benchmark for confirming the general application of this study to larger population across wider demographics on a case-to-case basis.
Practical Implications: The outcome derived from the application of various methods and analysis (used) helps the emerging entrepreneurs, marketing practitioners, future researchers, educationists, academic administrators, marketers, policymakers, and executors to understand various elements and factors responsible for the rise and fall of digital marketing practices. It is suggested to opt different strategies and measures to be taken to strengthen the existing system to achieve the niche and sustainability in the Digital Marketing practices for higher education in the Industry 4.0 scenario characterized by Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and Big Data exploration, extraction, and exploitation.
Need and Value Addition: There are only a few research papers available on the Digital Practices in Services Marketing in respect of Industry 4.0, though a few are accessible on Marketing Practices for manufacturing and allied activities. Since marketing for services is paramount in the digital era, Industry 4.0 can be a great booster in that direction
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