Characteristics Of Hyper Ideals in Ternary Semi Hyper Rings

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K. Lingeswara Rao, P.Siva Prasad, D.Madhusudana Rao


Ternary semi hyper ring is an algebraic structure with one binary hyper operation and ternary multiplication. Here  this research article we  give an important properties of hyper ideals in ternary semi hyper ring. We will now introduce the notion of simple, (zero-) simple ternary semi hyper ring and segregate  the minimality and maximality of hyper ideals in ternary semi hyper ring.Here in this paper we will give  the relation between the minimality and maximality were invented  in ternary semi hyper ring extending and generalizing the results for ternary semi rings.

Mathematics Subject Classification:  20N20, 20N15, 20M17

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