An Empirical Study on Android Phone as a Good Companion during Pandemic

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Dr. Y. Jahangir


The use of smartphone is gradually becoming a compelling learning tool used to enhance teaching and learning in modern pandemic education system. Its usage ensures flexible course delivery, makes it possible for learners to access online learning platforms, access course resources and interact digitally. The purpose of this study was to examine the use and effects of the Android phone as a learning tool in online education among Post graduate students Hyderabad. The survey research design and questionnaires were employed for the study. The major objectives of the study were: to find out the students’ perceived ease of use of a Android phone in learning activities, to determine the perceived usefulness of Android phone in students’ academic achievement, to investigate the effect of the use of the Android phone in students’ learning activities, and to investigate the factors that inhibit the use of a Smartphone as a learning tool. The findings revealed that the use of Android phone performed remarkable roles among the distance learning students of Hyderabad in their academic activities.

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