Analysis of Spatial Changes in Mangrove Area with Satellite Interpretation of Landsat in Pasaman Barat Regency, West Sumatera Province

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Aidy Fitri Yusen Viza, Eni Kamal, Muzzneena Ahmad Musthapa, Aprizon Putra


 The mangrove area in the coastal is a unique ecosystem that is influenced by tidal activities. The physical condition of mangroves often changes, because of various activities occurring in this area, especially in Pasaman Barat Regency. This study was conducted from September 2019 to March 2020. This study aims to analyze the distribution of mangrove areas in 2019 and changes that have occurred from 2009-2019 in Pasaman Barat Regency. By using a survey method based on the interpretation of Landsat satellite imagery which is analyzed descriptively. The results of the study are the distribution of mangrove areas in the Pasaman Barat Regency in 2019, are located is Sungai Beremas Subdistrict with an area of ​​844.06 ha with a dominant densevegetation density, Sungai Aua Sub-district and Sasak Ranah Pasisie Sub-district with an area of ​​96.18 ha which has a medium-dense vegetation density, and in the Kinali Sub-district with an area of ​​332.20 ha which has a dense vegetation density. Then mangrove change from 2009-2019 in Sungai Beremas Sub-district has lossabout 57.01 ha or 6.33%, the same condition has loss the area in Sungai Aua Sub-district and Sasak Ranah Pasisie Sub-district covering an area of ​​25.66 ha or 21.06%, and then in the Kinali Sub-district is known that the added in the area of ​​the mangrove area is 38.54 ha or 13.12%. The vegetation found was dominated by Rhyzophora apiculata, Rhyzophora mucronata, Rhyzophora stylosa, Soneratia alba, Bruguiera gymnorhiza and Nypa frutican.


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