Awareness Regarding E- Cigarettes Among Dental Students Of Chennai City

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Rasveya. S, Arthi balasubramaniam


INTRODUCTION: The e-cigarette or the electronic devices which have different flavours without tobacco they produce nicotine vapours at different taste which will be inhaled for various reasons. The aim of the study is to assess the knowledge and awareness on e cigarettes among dental students of chennai city.


MATERIALS AND METHODS: A cross-sectional study was conducted employing a self administered questionnaire to the undergraduate students of the author’s University. Students pursuing first year, second year, third year, final year and internship who were willing to participate in the study included. This study was conducted by assessing responses to 10 selected questions pertaining to E Cigarettes through Google forms. Descriptive and inferential statistics were performed.


RESULTS: In the survey 65% of people knew the term E cigarettes and 32% of people were not aware about the term. Majority 52% of participants had not preferred E cigarettes over traditional cigarettes and 44% of people had preferred E cigarettes over traditional cigarettes. Majority 63% of the participants considered the e-cigarette to be a bane to society and 34% of participants considered it to be a boon. The difference in awareness between male and female participants was statistically significant (Chi-square test, p value= 0.000).


CONCLUSION: Majority of people even know about the e-cigarettes they are not aware about the complete harmful effects of e-cigarette. Awareness on harmful effects of e-cigarette to be inculcated in dental education.


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