Knowledge About Mouth Mask Usage During Covid-19 Pandemic Among Preclinical Undergraduate Dental Students And Interns.

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A.N.K.Mitthun, L. Leelavathi


Background: The pandemic caused by novel coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) in Wuhan, China In December 2019 is a highly infectious disease. Different types of masks were used during this pandemic.

Aim: The aim of this study is to assess knowledge and awareness on the usage of mouth masks used during this pandemic COVID-19 among preclinical UG and interns.

Materials and Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted in Chennai,India. A self-administered questionnaire containing 13 questions was designed for preclinical UG and interns. Responses were collected and subjected to statistical analysis using SPSS software. Chi Square test was done to find the association between dependent and independent variables.

Results: During aerosol generation (54%) preferred using N95, (15%) preferred combination of any 2 masks, (22%) preferred surgical mask. 45%  said the middle layer acts as a barrier in a 3 layered mask. 70%  said ffp3 has high filter capacity.  Females were more aware than males about the masks to be used during procedures related to aerosol generation, masks with high filter capacity.(p value - 0.000) Females were more aware than males about the masks to be used during procedures related to aerosol generation.(p value - 0.000)


Conclusion: The inputs from the study shows that interns have more knowledge in types of mouth masks than 1st and 2nd year students and females were more aware than males. There is a specific and strong need to implement periodic educational programmes and training sessions on infection control practices for COVID-19 among dentists in particular.


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