Antioxidant And Anti Inflammatory Activity Of Kabasura Kudineer, A Siddha Poly Herbal Extract
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Siddha system is one among the most common medical systems in India out of which kudineer or Kasayam is the most general form used commonly called decoction. Use of herbal medicine has increased greatly as they were easily available and less toxic and showed various properties like antioxidant, anti inflammatory etc. Kabasura Kudineer Chooranam is a traditional formulation used by Siddha practitioners for effectively managing common respiratory ailments such as the flu and cold.
To evaluate antioxidant and anti inflammatory activity of the kabasura kudineer extract
Materials and Methods
Kabasura kudineer was purchased from the local market and extract was prepared. Protease inhibition assay with aspirin as standard was done to evaluate anti inflammatory activity. Further it was also subjected to antioxidant activity - DPPH assay and the results obtained were statistically analysed by ONE WAY ANNOVA. The Duncan multiple range test was used to analyse the statistical difference between the groups.
Results and Discussion
The results showed that as the concentration increases in a dose dependent manner the antioxidant and anti inflammatory activity of the plant extract also increases. But since the control used has certain side effects, this can be considered a non toxic natural alternative
Hence, it can be concluded that the kabasura kudineer extract has promising antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activities. Recent studies have found that it can be used against COVID - 19 and SARS COV -2. So, more clinical trials and invivo studies should be done for standard drug development
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