Analysis Of Body Mass Index (Bmi) And Diet Patterns Among Undergraduate Students In An University Teaching Hospital At Chennai

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S.Bhavesh, V. Vishnu Priya, Gayathri.R, Kavitha.S


Objective: Body mass index (BMI) is known as a measure of obesity that is imperfect. BMI is an index based on height and weight- which is used to measure the body fat. They used body mass index(BMI) to divide the students into 4 categories which are: underweight(BMI<19kg/m2), healthy weight (19kg/m2- 25kg/m2), our weight  (26kg/m2- 30 kg/m2), and obese (>30 kg/m2).

Methods: The present study was conducted among 100 undergraduate students in a Private teaching hospital at Chennai.  Weight measurement was done with the help of a digital weighing scale and height was measured with the help of a height measuring tape.

Results: The male and female participants involved in the study were 50.5%and 49.5% respectively. 60% were under the category of normal weight and 31% were overweight, 4% were obese, 52% were non- vegetarians and 48% were vegetarian.

Conclusion: The study was conducted among urban undergraduates. In future a similar study and counselling should be extended to the rural population as well.

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