Awareness Among Workers In South Tamilnadu Factory On Precautions On Covid-19

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Priyadharshni.R, Abhilasha, Lakshmi T.A


Introduction- The spread of coronavirus disease caused by novel coronavirus SARS-Cov2 is becoming a life threatening situation all over the globe. In such cases prevention is better than cure.


Materials and methods -  A survey was conducted through google forms - a cross sectional study (questionnaire based) across workers in south tamilnadu factory. For which 261 responses were received and recorded.


Result - Over 261 responses majority of them belong to the age group of 20 to 40 and about 73.2% of them are males. Their responses were recorded and validation was done.


Conclusion- Wearing a mask, following social distancing, proper hand sanitation prevents the spread of the disease. From our study we can conclude that workers among south Tamilnadu factories follow proper norms to prevent the spread.

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