Kap Survey On Experience And Difficulties In Tooth Carving Classes Vs Clinical Practice

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Pavithra Sekhar, Palati Sinduja, Lakshmi.T.A


Introduction: Carving is the act of using tools to shape. Shaping of wax using tools associated with machining: rotary tools, saws, gravers, files and burins. In dentistry, tooth carving is one of the most important parts without which the dentist's job is not possible. It is a study which enables the dentist to gain knowledge about a tooth’s form. The aim of the study is to evaluate the experience and difficulties in tooth carving.


Materials and methods : A cross sectional survey was conducted. The sample size used for the study is 102. A self structured Questionnaire has been prepared and uploaded in google forms. This standard Questionnaire in google forms is being circulated among the population and at the end of the survey, all the data were collected and the data is been analysed by using chi-square analysis. The chi square analysis was done using the software IBM SPSS.


Results : 67.00% of participants were females and 33.00% of participants were male. 67.00% of participants had carved teeth during their undergraduate study. Females are more knowledgeable about carving and have carved teeth during their undergraduate study. 77.00% of participants have said that carving helps in  restorative dentistry. The test is significant with p value less than 0.05.

Conclusion: The study concluded that the overall knowledge and awareness about the experience and difficulties in tooth carving was good and females have more knowledge about carving than males.


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