Analysis Of Translation Of Health Information In Dental Caries

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Medha Rajiv Ranjan , Palati Sinduja , Lakshmi T.A


Language helps an individual in expressing their feelings and desires. In India around 22 languages are spoken which creates language barriers among people. Language barriers lead to miscommunication which can be harmful in the medical field, it can cause hindrance in quality medical treatment which can thereby affect the health of the patient. The prime motive of healthcare workers is to provide good treatment to the patients irrespective of language barriers for the purpose of which language translation apps such as Google translate can be used to overcome this.
The aim of this study is to make use of language translation tools to overcome issues faced by the general population due to language barriers which create a communication gap between the medical professional and the patient that causes hindrance in quality medical treatment.
Materials and methods:
The sample size chosen for this study is 100. A self structured questionnaire was prepared in google forms and circulated among the study population. The results of the responses received from the study population were tabulated and analysed using chi square analysis and IBM SPSS software.
It was found that 28.93% of the study population faced difficulty during dental visits due to language barriers whereas 58.86% of the study population believed that the usage of language translation apps and tools would minimise their efforts for expressing their concerns to the medical health care workers.The results obtained were statistically significant with a p-value of 0.01 (p <0.05).
Conclusion: The study inferred that the study population is comfortable in using language translation apps such as google translate for overcoming language barriers caused due to the diversity of languages that can hinder quality medical treatment.

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