Knowledge And Awareness On Various Dental Care Applications Available In Recent Times

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Soumya Sri .S , Dr. Palati Sinduja , Dr. Lakshmi.T.A


Mobile apps/ Mobile based applications was developed and made available on application store and play store .This application provided all essential
information to parents on child dental health. Mobile apps software programmes that
run on smartphones and other mobile devices which can help people manage their own
health and wellness. The aim of the study was to assess knowledge and awareness on dental care applications available in recent times.
A cross-sectional survey was conducted online among dental students using google forms . The questionnaire containing 11 questions was thoroughly verified and all the responses that were received were tabulated. The frequencies and percentages were calculated . Based on these calculations, the results were represented using SPSS software.
RESULTS Of the 138 participants surveyed, 33.05% are in the age group of 15-30, majority of participants were females (35.59%) compared to male (13.56%), majority of participants were higher secondary (30.51%), 54.24% said they never got tested from dental care applications, 55.45% said whether dental care applications are better than direct visits. Interpretation was based on a p value less than 0.05, which was considered to be statistically significant.
From present study we conclude that most of the people don’t have awareness about dental care
applications available in recent times. To bring awareness among people about Dental care applications we should explain the benefits of its use like how it can easily record a patient's history along with details of diagnosis and prior treatment.

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