45th International Symposium on Essential Oils (45th ISEO).

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Kemal BA?ER


As president of the Organizing Committee of ISEO 2014, I am pleased to welcome you to the 45th International Symposium on Essential Oils (45th ISEO).

This symposium series has been organized annually in Europe since 1969 in order to stimulate cooperation among scientists for the  advancement of research and development into  the  science of essential oils, natural volatiles and aromachemicals.

This is the third time ISEO is organized in Turkey. Previously, the 28th ISEO was held in 1997 in Eski?ehir

42nd ISEO in 2011 in Antalya. Both symposia were organized by us.

The venue of 45th ISEO is Istanbul, Turkey, which is one of the most attractive  and historical  cities of the world with a past reaching 12.000  B.C. It had been capital of the  Byzantine Empire until  1453 and then  the Ottoman Empire until 1923. Since then, it has been the  most  important city in Turkey in terms  of history, culture, arts, industry, education and finance. Being situated along of the banks of Bosphorus, it is a town at the junction of two continents, Europe and Asia, and with  shores on two seas Marmara  and Black Sea.

The meeting has taken place in the convention center of Istanbul University  with  the participation of scientists and aroma therapists working  in academia, trade, industry  and regulatory affairs dealing with  various aspects of essential oils, natural volatiles and aromachemicals.

Abstracts of the 42nd ISEO were published in a special issue of the Journal of Essential Oil Research (JEOR). We are proud to publish the abstracts in the special issue of new journal Natural Volatiles and Essential Oils (NVEO).

I wish you all a successful symposium and a very pleasant stay in Turkey. Prof. Dr. K. Hüsnü Can Ba?er

President of the Organizing Committee of ISEO 2014

Editor-in-Chief of NVEO

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