Knowledge And Attitude Towards Development Defects Of Oral Cavity - A Survey Among Dental Undergraduates

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Javith I, Dr. R. Priyadarshini, Dr. Suganya P


Development defects are malformations which arise due to the disturbances during the developmental of the organs.  This study will help to assess the knowledge about development defects of oral cavity a survey among dental undergraduates. Aim: The main aim of the study is to assess the knowledge about development defects of the oral cavity among dental undergraduates. Materials and methods: This study was done to understand about development defects of the oral cavity among dental undergraduates. The survey was conducted among 120 dental students. A self administered questionnaire of 10 closed ended and open questions was prepared and distributed among dental undergraduates through online based survey form as an innovative technique. Results: A total of 120 dental undergraduates were involved in the study. There were 76.47% of the male participants and 23.53% of the female participants. Majority(64.7%) of the dental undergraduates were aware about development defects of the oral cavity whereas the remaining 35.3% of the dental undergraduates have no idea about the development defects of the oral cavity. Males have better knowledge about development defects of the oral cavity while comparing to Females.  Majority(81.4%) of the dental undergraduates were aware about cleft palates. Pearson chi square test shows p value is 0.02(p<0.05) and thus it is statistically significant. Conclusion: It is concluded that male students were more aware about developmental defects in the oral cavity. Dental undergraduates must be aware of such defects during their routine examination and can treat them prior to avoid complications. Thus more interactive classes must be included in the schedule for easy and better understanding of the subject.


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