Comparison Of Interalar Distance Between Different Genders In Chennai Population- A Cross-Sectional Study
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BACKGROUND: The interalar width is the width of the nose measured at the widest points between the outer surfaces of the alae of the nose. Interalar width helps in the successful selection of perfect size, shape and mesio-distal length of maxillary anterior teeth, which play a very important role in facial appearance
AIM: The aim of the study is to analyse and compare the interalar distance between males and females of chennai population. .
MATERIALS AND METHODS: The study was pursued among undergraduate students of a private dental college in chennai. All the participants’ data was recorded inclusive of the demographic details and IAD measurement by visual examinations. The interalar distance was measured with the help of a digital vernier calliper. The data measured was tabulated and analysed by using unpaired T-test with the help of IBM SPSS software (Version 23.0). The p value found less than 0.05 was found significant.
RESULTS: The study included 75 participants. Among the participants 39% were males and 61% were females. The mean interalar width of males (mean=34.40±3.2 mm) was found to be greater than that of females (mean=33.04±3.6 mm). The overall mean interalar width of the participants was calculated to be 33.57±3.53 mm. The difference between the groups were insignificant, chi-square, The p value was 0.465.(P>0.05)
CONCLUSION: The interalar distances of females were greater compared to that of males. This may be because of the larger arch present in males as interalar width can be related to maxillary anterior teeth. It is very difficult to replace teeth with artificial ones if there are no pre-extraction records.
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