Advertisement Confrontation on Buying Behavior of Consumers In Nalgonda District

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The Current Business world, marketing progressions are based on the collaboration between a business and the customers. Here Advertising considered as a widespreadadministration tool for dealing with the extremely rapid technological variations and also the marketing changes in today’s competitive markets, and this administration tool refers to the re- analysis and re-designs of tasks and also processes inside and outside the organization. Advertising industry is a social institution born to full fill the human needs to require and send information about availability of product, brand, and service. There has also been a extensive feeling that advertising is a form of communication, meant to adventure the consumers. Also, it is often disparaged as being commonlyrevenue oriented and business households are label as marketing communal who are emerging a achieving technique to deceive customers through deceptive advertisement. The objective of advertisement is to study the Impact of advertisement on buying behaviour. It is found that there is no association between age of the respondents and level of impact of advertisement and there is no relationship between income and satisfaction with advertised product at the time of using.

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