Quality Of Work Life Affected By Work Climate On Street Sweeper Workers In Medan City: An Evidence From Medan, North Sumatera Utara, Indonesia

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Umi Salmah, Harmein Nasution, Gerry Silaban, Etti Sudaryati


Supportive work climate, will improve the quality of work life. Objective is to determine the quality of work life which is influenced by the work climate. Method is sequential explanatory design model (mix method), with a population of 815 people and a sample of 260 people. The results of the study were deepened by in-depth interviews with informants. Most respondents were 45 years old, namely 179 people (68.9%), junior high school education as many as 110 people (42.3%), 10 years of service as many as 169 people (65.0%), Javanese ethnicity as many as 144 people (55 ,4%). From the results of the final logistic regression model analysis, it can be seen that of the eight (8) variables, there are six (6) variables that have a value (p < 0.025). If the work climate is improved, the street sweeper workers have the opportunity to have a good quality of work life of 95.3%. Interview results obtained, their loyalty is based on the fulfillment of rewards in accordance with expectations. The comparative theory at the position level is: If in an organization workers only prioritize salary, then the employee leadership should not create competition, but create a sense of kinship.

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