Carpal Tunnel Syndrome in the University Administrative Staff
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Carpal Tunnel syndrome has been described as an occupational neuropathy related to work factors that involves increased use of the hands and also repetitive movements of both the hands and the wrist. This research aims to characterize the presence of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome amongst the administrative staff of Universidad Técnica Del Norte within the year 2020. It was a descriptive and cross-sectional study, with an integrated sample of administrative personnel with secretarial positions. The information was collected through a sociodemographic survey with characteristics of day to day life and work activities, taking into account the risk factors for the development of the aforementioned syndrome. In relation to sociodemographic factors among the studied population, female civil servants, older than 40, with more than 10 years institutional service, showed a presence of the Syndrome more frequently. The use of the mouse and keyboard for more than 4 hours a day was detected as among the risk factors for developing Carpal Syndrome, especially without protective elements such as support pads. Another risk factor found has to do with domestic activities such as washing dishes. The most frequent symptoms found that alert to a possible development of the Syndrome were tingling, pain and numbness of the hands in at least three out of ten secretaries.
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