Cultivation Of Winter Garlic Under Conditions Of The Left-Bank Forest-Steppe Of Ukraine And Molecular And Genetic Polymorphism Of Winter Garlic Varieties By Issr Loci

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H. I. Yarovyi, L. M. Karpuk, A. O. Rozhkov, O. V. Romanov, T. V. Paramonova, I. M. Hordienko, N. O. Didukh, L. O. Haiova, O. V. Ivankin, O. F. Chechui, Yu. V. Kovryha


In Ukraine, there is a tendency to increase the area of garlic, which is due to the high profitability of its production and constant demand in both domestic and foreign markets. The increase in the volume of this crop production occurs mainly due to an increase in the area and not due to an increase in cropping capacity. The reason for the slow growth in the cropping capacity of winter garlic is the limited possibilities of seed production of the crop and low adaptability to growing conditions, caused by the vegetative type of reproduction, which leads to a limited production area of the varieties which had been created by this time. For this reason, mainly local garlic varieties are grown in Ukraine and abroad, which are well adapted to the ecological conditions of the region. Based on this, for the further growth of garlic production, both for the Left-Bank Forest-Steppe zone and for the whole of Ukraine, the assessment of existing and new varieties of this crop is important.

The aim of conducted studies was to assess the genetic diversity of winter garlic varieties selected for research by ISSR loci and determine the most productive of them under conditions of the Left-Bank Forest-Steppe of Ukraine. The study was conducted with winter garlic varieties Duchess, Lubasha and Hungarian (line 20-16).

On average, during the three years of research, the highest level of commercial cropping capacity was observed in Lubasha variety (14.1 t/ha), in Hungarian variety 12.9 t/ha and 9.4 t/ha in Duchess variety (control variant). Formation of winter garlic cropping capacity by 12.3% depended on the peculiarities of the variety, the influence of growing season conditions was 87.3 %, the combined effect of AB factors was not significant, its share in cropping capacity variability was only 0.5  %. Agronomically stable was Hungarian winter garlic variety with As = 73.8 %.

In the studied varieties of winter garlic, several amplicons were found that are unique within the studied group. Duchess variety had unique loci UBC 812725 and UBC 812902, while Lubasha variety had unique loci UBC 812791 and UBC 842702. Hungarian variety (line 20-16) had a bigger number of unique loci: UBC 812460, UBC 812997 UBC 826682, UBC 8341283 and UBC 846920

The calculated Nei-Li similarity coefficients indicate a significant genetic similarity of the studied winter garlic varieties. Lubasha and Duchess varieties are genetically closer to each other, compared to Hungarian variety.

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