Method Of Improving The Quality Of Coated Sugar Beet Seed

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Polishchuk V.V., Kolisnyk М.S, Karpuk L.М., Mykolaiko V.P., Balabak А.F., Polishchuk Т.V.,


Implementation of intensive technologies for growing sugar beets, which are intended for sowing to the final density, is possible only in the presence of high quality seed. The quality of sugar beet seed is determined by a complex of genetic factors, ecological and agro-technological conditions of its growing and methods of pre-sowing seed preparation using modern technologies [1]. The final stage of pre-sowing preparation of sugar beet seed includes its incrusting, coating and packaging.

Coating is a complex technique that involves applying inert organic and mineral substances on the seed in order to create an even ball-like shape for each seed, which provides the most accurate placement of seed in a row and allows reducing the sowing rate by 2 - 3 times [2]. Coated seed - seed that is in a coat close to a spherical shape and contains, as a rule, a separate seed, the shape and size of which is no longer visible. Such seed is intended for accurate sowing. Coating mixtures may contain insecticides, fungicides, dyes and other substances [3].

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