Seed Productivity Of Millet Cultivars – Switch-Grass (Panicum Virgatum L.) Depending On Their Origin

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viktoriia V. Dryha, volodymyr A. Doronin, viktor M. Sinchenko, yuliia А. Kravchenko, anatolii F. Borivskyi, valerii P. Mykolaiko, nataliia S. Zatserkovna, lesia М. Karpuk


The paper contains the results of the research done on seed yield capacity, its germination vigor and emergence of millet cultivars - switch-grass - depending on ploidy and ecotype of the origin. Methods. Laboratory, measuring-weighing, mathematic-statistic. Results. The studies of the effect of ecotype of switch-grass on seed yield capacity and quality were carried out on four tetraploid and two octaploid cultivars of highland ecotype and two tetrapoid cultivars of lowland ecotypes at the Institute of bio-energy crops and sugar beets of NAAS (Ukraine). It has been found out that yield capacity, germination vigor, emergence and mass of 1000 seeds depend on both the origin of cultivars – their ecotype, and ploidy. Seed yield capacity of highland ecotype, regardless of their ploidy, was reliably higher by 38.6 % or by 37.5 kg/m2, as compared with lowland ecotype. Cultivars of highland ecotype formed seeds of better quality; their seed yield capacity was reliably higher. Octaploid cultivars of highland ecotype formed reliably higher yield capacity and seed quality, as compared with tetraploid cultivars of both highland and lowland ecotypes. Conclusions. Yield capacity and seed quality – germination vigor, emergence and mass of 1000 seeds of highland ecotype were reliably higher, as compared with the cultivars of lowland ecotype both on the average within three years and in the years under study. Octaploid cultivars of highland ecotype showed the highest indicators of seed yield capacity, as compared with tetraploid cultivars of both highland and lowland ecotypes. Germination vigor and seed emergence of tetraploid cultivars of highland ecotype exceeded reliably similar indicators of octaploid cultivars of highland ecotype and tetraploid cultivars of lowland ecotypes.

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