Knowledge, Awareness and Perception of General Population About Gingival Pigmentation - A Cross-Sectional Survey

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Kaviya. S, Dr.Reshma Poothakulath Krishnan, Dr. Sandhya Sundar


BACKGROUND: Cosmetic expectations have increased with time and speak volumes about gingival esthetics and smile designing in current trends.Gingival pigmentation especially on the labial aspect of anterior teeth has become an important component of general esthetics.

AIM: To assess the awareness and perception of gingival pigmentation among outpatients visiting a private dental hospital.

METHODS:The cross sectional study was conducted using a self administered questionnaire, analysed among outpatients having gingival pigmentation in a private dental college which were distributed through google forms.The data were analysed by using Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) version 23.


RESULT: In this survey, the knowledge and awareness about gingival pigmentation was (51%) ,many have problems in their gums (67.11%) and knowledge about depigmentation procedure is also comparatively less(53.69%). Comparisons were made between habits and colour of gums, the p value is 0.002 which is <0.05 and it is statistically significant. Cross tabulations were made between gender and how people hesitate to smile because of their gingival pigmentation, the p value is 0.106 which is statistically insignificant.

CONCLUSION: The overall awareness about the gingival pigmentation was reasonably good among the general public. Gingival pigmentation, though not a major complication,yet it greatly affects the facial appearence. Creating awareness to the people may change their mindset and will lead a quality life.

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