Attitude Towards Virtual Learning During Pandemic Among Parents Of School Going Children

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Mrs .Shaila Mathew, Miss. Bhavana Cristopher Samson


Attitude towards virtual learning during pandemic among parents of school going children. Conducted with objective of assessing the attitude and to find whether there is any association of demographic variable with attitude of parents.

Material and Methods

Non experimental descriptive research design was used to find out the attitude of parents towards virtual learning with assumption of that the parents may have some attitude towards virtual learning. Parents of children who were attending virtual learning was selected as sample. 200 samples were selected in that 100 mothers and 100 fathers were selected. Sample sizes were calculated by using power analysis. Validity of the tool was done by experts from the field including psychologist. Reliability of the tool obtained by using split half method, calculated r   were .82 which is more than .7 and tool found to be reliable. Ethical permission from institutional ethical committee .Consent from the sample was taken after explaining the purpose.    Maintained the confidentiality of the data by giving Code numbers to the data collection tool. Samples were selected by using Non probability convenient sampling method. Data collection tool had two sections .Section I contained demographic variables which included   age, gender, education and type of family. Section II had 4 point scale for assessing the attitude which had 24 statements with strongly agree, agree, disagree and strongly disagree. Positive statements were scored as 4,3,2,1 and negative statements were scored as 1,2,3,4. Total score was 96 and the scores were divided in four categories 24-42(highly unfavorable), 43-61 (unfavorable), 62-80 (favorable), 81-96 (highly favorable).


Analysis of the data showed that 74% showed favorable attitude and 16% were highly favorable with virtual learning. Only 10% were not in favour of virtual learning of their children. There was no association of demographic variables with attitude of parents.

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