Teaching Translation with a Moodle Database Activity: A Case-Study for Uzbek Undergraduate Students

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Zarrina Ilkhomovna Salieva, Fakhriddin Jamshid oghli Bakiev, Salieva, Zarrina., Bakiev, Fakhriddin.


A Case-Study for Uzbek Undergraduate Students.  The paper presents the results of the research on building and an effective use of the database as an activity in teaching Translation Studies as well as how to organize translation courses online in Moodle Learning Management System, which is widely used in distance education around the world. The research tries to understand what requirements Atechniques that can be applied while translating is highlighted in the paper. The hypothesis of the research has been tested in the control and experimental groups who are studying Translation Theory and Practice at Samarkand State Institute of Foreign Languages, Uzbekistan. This particular study concludes that the database activity in Moodle allows a teacher to apply an active learning, assessment and prompt feedback, and collaboration features to the online course. (Samarkand State Institute of Foreign Languages)

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