Role Of Human Papilloma Virus And EBV With Prostate Cancer In Tikrit Governorate

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Hala Mohammed Majeed , Ail Laibi Zimil And Sahar Jabbar Kadhum


Background: Prostate cancer is one of the greatest common types of cancer in men. Commonly prostate cancer develops slowly and is firstly confined to the prostate gland, where it may not cause severe harm. Objectives:- The present studyfind relationship between Epstein –Bar virus (EBV) and Human Papilloma virus (HPV) with prostate tumor patientin Tikrit governorate by using immunohistochemistry (IHC) for detecting cancer protein of (LMP-1) for EBV and (L-1) for HPV and using Hematoxylin and Eosin stain for diagnosis of prostate tissue (normal, benign and malignant) Methods:- The study included 100 paraffin impeding block tissue from archives of tikrit TeachingHospital insalah din province and some of archive of private histopathology laboratories in tikrit city, the datafrom January to December 2019whose ages were between40-89 years. Results: the resultsdetection of 30 blocks(33.3%)malignant and 60(66.7%)benign prostate cancer.the malignant tissue with viruswas 7/30 ( 23.33%) in EBV , 12/30(40%) in HPV and the remind 11/30 ( 36.7%) was malignantwithout virus, while in HPV while the benign tissue with virus was 10/60 (16.7%), 5/60(8.33) for EBV and the remind 45/60 (75%) was benign without virus. The present study shows an increase in the incidence of prostate cancer at the age groups (60-69) years old patients with (33.33%) from the total percentage. Also the classification of malignant prostate according to Gleason Grade (1, 2, 3, 4 and 5), and show the high percentage was in Grade 1. also the result showed high percentage for positive LMP-115/90( 16.7%) and negative LMP-175/90, (88.33%) for EBV and also high percentage in L-1 22/90(42.44 %) in positive, and 68/90 (75.6%) in negative for HPV.Thepercentage of EBV in Grade of prostate malignant was higher in Grade 3 as 8/15 (53.33%) while in Grade (1, 4)was 2/15(13.33 %) for each, and in Grade (5) was 3/15(20%) and in Grade (2) was zero when compared with healthy control .Also the percentage of L-1 for HPV in Grade was high percentage inGrade 16/22(27.3 %) and the Grade 2, 3,4,5 was 4/22(18.2%) when compared with control groups.More ours the EBV and HPV are higher percentage in Urban than in Rural. In Urban they are 10/65(15.4%) and 2/25(8%) in rural for EBV while the HPV in Rural they are 14/55 (25.5 %) and 8/ 35(22.9%) in in rural for HPV .

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