Systemic Review on Benefits of Ksheerbala Taila

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DR. JAYA K. GHORE, Dr.Ashwini Patil, Dr.Mrudul Chitrakar


Introduction: In Ayurvedic pharmacology snehapakkalpana has its at most importance. Siddha sneha can be administered through different route for getting varied result .Ksheerbalataila is an important snehakalpana mentioned in Ayurveda texts prepared from Go-ksheera(cow milk),Bala (sida cordifolia) and TilaTaila (sesame oil )and practiced to treat vatvyadhi.The aim of this study is to investigate and offer an updated perspective with different studies on KsheerabalaTaila with different mode of administrations.

Method: The present study was conducted in accordance with the PRISMA checklist for systematic reviews and meta-analysis. The required information was collected from the pubmed and scholarly published work in Ayurvedic& other journals. The searches for this review made with the help of Google search engine by key word ksheerabalataila .

Result: This review included 22 papers out of which 12 were clinical study, 6 case study, 2 review articles, 1 pharmaceutico-analytical study & 1 animal study.Ksheerbalataila used in different systemic disorders with different route of administration like shiropichu, shirobasti, talam, nasya, matrabasti, anuvasanbasti, padaabhyanga&samvahana.With these different application we get benefits in treating disorders like ardita, anidra, pakshaghat, maragavran, macular degeneration, epilepsy, cerebral palsy, sandhigatavata .,etc.

Conclusion : Different method of preparation are described in many text and numerous studies have been conducted regarding the clinical efficacy of ksheerabalataila, pharmaceutico- analytical study of trividhas nehapaka of ksheerbala tail shows madhyampakasneha useful for therapeutic efficacy.1The presence of go-kheera,bala and tilataila makes Ksheerabala tail to pacify all the eighty chronic condition of vata origin.such as Ardita,katishula,katigraha,sandhigatvata,cerebralpalsy,hemiplegia,kampvata and other neurological disorders.It is widely used oil in various panchakarma therapies like snehan,kavala,talam,nasya,matrabasti,shirobasti.,and other methods of moordhanitaila .Ksheerabalatail is an important oil formulation and there is a need to conduct more scientific studies on ksheerbalataila in order to prove its efficacy on various nuerological disorders2

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