A model of behavioural Intention on usage of e-Wallet amid the pandemic Covid – 19

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Vinitha. K


This paper aims to understand and enquire the behavioural intention factors which affects the users’ adoption intentions of e-wallet amid the COVID-19 pandemic. The factors of e-wallet adoption taken here for study is Government support, Perceived Risk, perceived usefulness and behavioural intention to use e-wallets . The research model has been empirically tested by collecting 424 responses through questionnaire survey conducted among the users of e-wallet in Chennai. This study integrated Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) with the variables Perceived use and Behavioral Intention to use E-wallet system, and two additional variables Perceived Risk and Government support. The results of the structural equation modelling analysis showed a significant effect of perceived risk caused due to physical usage of cash and perceived use of e-wallet system due to covid -19 which amplified the usage of e-wallet system and utilise government support. The outcome thus stated that, the Government support proves to be beneficial for e-payment platforms which could enhance the usage of e-payment system. The stakeholders can focus on taking advantage of the features of technology (such as the contactless characteristic of M-payment) corresponding to its benefits offered through Government support on this pandemic situation and optimize their experience, thereby increasing acceptance among the target population.

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