Synthesis And Characterization Of Heterocyclic Compounds Containing 1,2,4–Triazole

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Amol Rangrao Suryawanshi , Santosh A. Anantwad , Sayyad Hussain Sajjansab


Heterocycles are at the forefront of research because of their wide range of applications. Because of their diverse biological activity and clinical uses, the triazole ring system is of considerable interest in the field of medicinal chemistry. A variety of triazole compounds have biological and pharmacological properties such as antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, antihypertensive, antifungal, anticancer, and antitumor action. Fused heterocyclic triazoles have clinical applications as well. In addition to its vital biological applications, 1,2,4-triazoles are valuable in preparative organic chemistry, agriculture, and the polymer industry. The most significant goal of pharmaceutical research is the discovery of new, better pharmaceuticals and their successful introduction into clinical practise, which is complicated by bacterial resistance to previous drugs and other side effects. Because triazole compounds have such features, we have been able to synthesise novel derivatives and test their antibacterial activities.

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