Design and Development of Dual Axis Solar Tracking System using Arduino

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S. Rajasekaran, P. Murugan, N. Thanga Selvin, M. Arumuga Babu


This paper will incorporate the plan and improvement of double hub solar following structure by using Light
depending resistor (LDR). The proposed following structure tracks light even more feasibly by giving PV board insurgency along
two assorted rotate. The tracker is made out of four LDR sensors, two stepper motors and AT mega 328 microcontrollers. Two
or three sensors and one motor is used to move the tracker in suns east-west course and the other pair of sensors and the
motor which is fixed at the lower a piece of the tracker is used to move the tracker in the suns north-south bearing. Two
stepper motors are altogether being utilized in this system. Upper board holder stepper motor tracks the sun straightly and
base stepper motor tracks the logical evacuation of the sun. These stepper motors and sensors are interfaced with a
microcontroller. The microcontroller gives the request to the motors dependent on sensors input. LDR sensors sense the light
and passes on message to microcontroller. Solar trackers can assemble the yield of solar sheets by 20-30% which improves the
capability of the solar board. A working structure will finally be shown to support the arrangement.

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