Design and Implementation of PLC Controlled Phosphating Bath System to Overcome the Failure of Heaters

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A.Bhuvanesh, M.Kathirvel, G.Hariharan


In today’s world, the benefits of automation can be observed in most of the industries. Still, some of the machines are
operated manually. Thus, we have changed the manually operated machine in to automate by using PLC and also we have
added some features to the machine. This will not affect the productivity and profit of the industry. Some of the features like to
indicate the mixture of water and chemical level in phosphating bath system which consists of heater. It reduces the
manpower, heater failure and also improves the quality and accuracy of the product. The automation is achieved by using PLC.
Because, it is used for typical industrial electro mechanical process. It is a high reliability control process and its programming is
easy. This PLC happen secondhand as more than a distinguished purpose mathematical data processing machine fashionable
industries in addition to fashionable added control system region. Most of the manufacturing cut short an activity these
instrument as “PC” but it also secondhand for Personal Computers, on account of this, many manufacturers chosen these
design as PLC.

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