A Study Of Implementation Food Safety Management System Iso 22000 In Local Food Products Company

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Mahmud Abdullah Jasim Alkhafaji , Rosa Maria Blanca Herrera


Implementationoffoodsafetymanagementsystems(FSMS)inIraqifoodcompaniesisrecententrancesincealotofyearsago.Afewnumberofmediumandbigsizefoodcompanies have been selected to implement FSMS such as ISO 22000 after excessive trainingtoIraqistakeholdersreceivedfromFAO/WHO,besidetotheindividualeffortstakenbythetop management of some Iraqi food companies. The study comes to highlight the adoption oflocal food companies to implement the international standard ISO 22000, determine factorsthat influence in the implementation and the certification of FSMS through four types ofquestionnairesA,B,C,andDpreparedforthispurpose. Seventy(70)foodcompaniesparticipatedinthesurveydividedintofifty(50)foodcompaniesfrombigsizeandtwenty
(20) food companies from medium size. Survey results demonstrated that motivations forimplementation ISO 22000 in big food companies which implemented and certified ISO 22000were, improving food safety and quality (5/15), and organizational reasons (5/15) have been66.6% of the motivation for implementing ISO 22000, followed by reducing food bornediseases 20% (3/15), and promoting international trade 13.3% (2/15) respectively. In mediumsize companies, which implemented and certified ISO 22000, improving food safety andquality (2/5), and reducing food borne diseases (2/5) have been 80% of the motivation forimplementingISO22000,followedbyorganizationalreasons20%(1/5).Fromtotalofseventy 70 food companies participated in the survey, the results demonstrated that 38 about54.2%offoodcompaniesnotimplementedanyFSMSfromitsestablishing.Respondentsfromfoodcompanies'referredthattherearedifferentfactorshindertheimplementationofany FSMS included ISO 22000 in their companies. About half of respondents (44.7%) 17/38indicated that the costs of the implementation and certification FSMS ISO 22000 hinder toimplement it, mentality of top management and its business culture (26.3%) 10/38, deficientexperience in FSMS and specialists (13.1) 5/38, standard ISO 22000 not a matter for theconsumers and the market (10.5) 4/38, and finally, inadequate infrastructure and facilities(5.2%)2/38.

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