General And Educational Philosophy Of Sri Aurobindo Ghosh

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Dr. Pramila Malik , Suman


The present paper is an attempt to know the general and educational philosophy of great philosopher Sri Aurobindo
Ghosh. In this study Philosophical and Historical method was used. Books written by Sri Aurobindo Ghosh, speeches of
Sri Aurobindo Ghosh, articles, newspapers, internet sources, etc. are the main source of data. Aurobindo proposed
that education is nothing but bringing out and nurturing the latent potentialities; integrate oneself with self,
harmonious living of individual with society, country and humanity to make oneself a complete being or integral human
being. He believed that purpose of education is not merely cramming of facts or information because this will lead to
temporal achievement of goals in life but education is making of character, personality and values. He placed high
importance to the indigenous education, language as it will help the child to understand his /her past and connect with
the present so that he /she can progress in the future. He was not against any western education but he believed that
we should learn from western education about their advancement in knowledge. He believed that chief aim of
education is awakening of divinity in the individual. This can be done through yoga, meditation. He had given five
secondary aims of education- physical, spiritual, moral, mental and psyche development which he later called it as
Integral Education. According to him, process of education is the development of one’s physical, vital, spiritual, mental
and psychic aspects of human. He was of the opinion that role of teacher is very minimal in the teaching-learning
process as teaching will corrupt the mind of the child. So he believed that let the child explore the world around us and
blossom on the basis of his/her innate abilities. He firmly believed that each country has a set of own values, culture
and history and it is the responsibility of teachers to make students aware of it and develop them in line with the
values, ideals and traditions.

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