Statistical Study Of Breast Cancer (Females) In Wasit Province For Period (2018- 2020)

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Sabreen Hadi Hanash , Rafal F. J. Aleiqabie , Shahad Q. Al-Hamadiny


Breast cancer ranks first among cancerous diseases in terms of incidence, according to the records of the Iraqi Ministry of Health, with an estimated rate of 36.1% of the total number of cases, and out of every three women diagnosed with cancer there is one woman diagnosed with breast cancer. However, advanced and modern world may be today and are riding on the chariot of advancement, but the truth is that there are many things which are beyond our control even today and one of them is cancer. It is wrong to say that the cancer is incurable. But the death rate of patients of breast cancer is still very high. World Health Organization (WHO) has stated that the breast cancer is most frequently found cancer in the women and it is adversary affecting millions of women all over the world. We aim in this study to show statistically the number of cases with breast cancer in women within short period limited to two years.

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